The NEED Project Youth Awards
NEED encourages all students and classrooms to get involved in energy outreach.
By doing so, students take ownership of their learning, are able to show confidence in their knowledge gains, and become leaders in the classroom. NEED’s annual Youth Awards Program for Energy Achievement rewards students for their efforts in energy outreach and student leadership.
Free to participate, this program combines academic competition with recognition to acknowledge everyone involved in NEED during the year – and to recognize those who achieve excellence in energy education in their schools and communities. The students and teachers set goals and objectives and keep a record of their activities. In April, the students combine their materials into presentations and submit them online.

The Youth Awards Program is great for all schools—new to energy education, or veteran. Projects and outreach completed for the program provide opportunity for enrichment and engagement, as well as an opportunity for your students, classroom, and school to shine.

NEED Student Leadership
The NEED Project recognizes student leadership by awarding the Youth Energy Leadership Award each year.

Youth Energy Conference & Awards
The Youth Energy Conference and Awards brings together students and teachers from around the country who are passionate about energy education.